Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Recently I have been tasked with answering the question of how do people view you and why is it
wrong? However, the way a stranger views me is, they don’t. I blend in about as much as any hormonal
high schooler can. I’m quiet and most people don’t know who I am. I’m the girl who sits near the back
who laughs a little too loudly every now and then with her friends. I’ve been playing on the sports teams
for my school for years so people who’ve shared a team with me know I’m hard working and I’ll always
put in my best effort. In more recent years I’ve been becoming more outgoing and social to the people
I don’t know. I’ve been trying new things, going new places and meeting my people, and people’s
opinions of me have changed drastically from even a year or two ago. If I had to summarize how I think
I am viewed by someone who doesn’t know me, I’d use the word, average.

But I am not quiet. I am not always bubbly and happy. I have strong opinions and I will speak up
for them. I’m loud and outgoing and I always have something to say about everything, I try my best to be kind and build up everyone I meet, and I tend to wear my heart on my sleeve. I laugh
at everything and I try to do something for my friends to show them I love them every now and
then. I’m over sensitive and dramatic, I overreact to every small detail, I get overwhelmed quickly
and I’m easily broken. However, I also work hard and I have so much love for the people around
me. I am passionate about the things I do, but I tend to hold myself back more than anyone else.
I love to draw and it takes my mind off of things more than anything else. Although I’m still unsure
of my future, I’m thinking about following in my grandmother's footsteps and applying to
Georgetown when I get older. There’s so much more of life I haven't experienced yet and I can’t
wait to see who I become and what I end up doing.
Image result for laughing

1 comment:

  1. I value the talented students who like to draw...we will be talking soon...
