Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Single Story-Daniel

I think people see me as a tall kid who plays basketball, and who never talks. If I saw myself I would probably think the same thing too. Things like that are easy to assume and most of the time not right. I am tall which is obvious but I do not play basketball. That always surprises people because I am 6 foot 1 and basketball players are tall. People think I don’t talk much which is true but that is just when I don’t know you. If people actually took time to get to know others before stereotyping them, things would be different.

People have always told me I was tall and there is really no argument about that. People always assume I play basketball because I am tall but in reality I play soccer. Tall people can play soccer too but basketball is what people assume I play. People also think I never talk and maybe that I’m antisocial even. That is not true once I get to know someone. If somebody is a friend of mine or a family member I talk a whole lot more than with someone I don’t know. I just have to warm up to someone before I talk freely. These are all things that tell one story of me. The side that people see when they don’t know me. After they get to know me though they see that there is really another side to

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