Wednesday, August 29, 2018

My Single Story, Of a Sorts

Sonya: Short, ginger hair, millions of freckles, pretends to know everything
about everything, about everyone. Selfish. Childish. And maybe funny.” - Curls
A mean and yet shy girl that quietly reads books. She keeps to herself. Confetti face. Outgoing at moments, then a complete shut in at others. Lost. Silly. Crazy. Reserved.

It’s true. All of it: Ginger. Freckled. Selfish. Childish. Funny. Shy. Outgoing. Shut in. Lost.
Silly. Crazy. Reserved. Foolish. I mean, HELLO! I’m human, what do you expect? You can’t
be squared away by one word, one story, one opinion. I’m a ginger, it’s in my blood, and
I’m proud of it. Yes, I’m selfish, I admit it. But it’s okay to be selfish sometimes. I have fun
being a little childish and making jokes. I’m shy around new people, but I’m working on it. I
can be outgoing around friends. And sometimes I have no idea what I’m doing, or what’s
going on. It’s nice to be silly or crazy every once in a while. I know when I should be reserved.
Foolish is my middle names, ;-p. This is me, not all of me, but I can’t wait to meet the rest. One
word. One story. One opinion. One lie. One truth.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I have never heard "confetti face." I am glad you embrace yourself in every sense. I do not see you as the least bit foolish; rather, I see you as engaging and bright. Hmmmm...
